
Please send us a message with any questions about the shop to hello[at]


If you would like to stock your work with Paper Plane:

We are really pleased you would like to stock our shop! Unfortunately due to the high number of submissions we are no longer able to reply to every applicant.  If you don't hear back from us it is either because we are full, we feel your work does not fit with the style of the shop, or your work is too similar to something we already sell. 


If you are interested in stocking with us:

- Please note we only take stock on a Sale or Return basis.

- You need to be a professional maker with a website and active social media presence. - - We are not able to take work if it is stocked in other shops near by.

If you feel your work absolutely 100% fits with our modern and minimal aesthetic, then please send us an email with a link to your website.